



作曲家としての顔も持ち、渡仏時代に友人夫妻の為に書き下ろしたオルガンのための連弾作品が出版されたのをきっかけに、本腰を入れて創作活動に入る。3回東京かつしか作曲コンクール2015アンサンブルの部第3位入賞(12位無し)。20166月には、サックス・歌とのトリオ《Nemo Concertato》で、谷川俊太郎の詩に寄せたCDブック『大人のための俊太郎』を上梓(アルテス音楽出版刊)。オペラ・カンタータ・歌曲等声楽作品を中心に、旺盛に発表を続ける。2024年1月には静岡県舞台芸術センター(SPAC)で舞台《ばらの騎士》の音楽監督を務め、新たな分野への挑戦も止むことがない。




TAKUYA NEMOTO obtained an MMus in conducting from Tokyo University of the Arts. As a student, he had grasped various theatrical works in their original languages, such as English, German, French, Italian, Czech, Russian, and even Hebrew. His singular capability for diction coaching makes him an integral presence in the industry, having been already engaged for hundreds of performances by New National Theatre Tokyo and other key opera companies in Japan.

He earned a diploma in basso continuo at Conservatoire National Supérieur de Lyon (France). He also plays the harpsichord, especially as the duo “The Jugong Boys” with baroque cellist Toru Yamamoto. As a composer, he placed third (no first/second place winner) in the Ensemble category at the 3rd Tokyo Katsushika Composition Competition 2015. In June 2016, his trio Nemo Concertato (with sax and voice) released the CD book Shuntaro for Adults (Artes Publishing) dedicated to Shuntaro Tanigawa’s poetry. His first opera Kagetora, commissioned by the Myoko Culture Promotion Organization, premiered in December 2018 and was met with accolades. In recent years, he has expanded his range of activities such as music director for the play “Der Rosenkavalier” at Shizuoka Performing Arts Center (SPAC) in 2024.

HP: http://nemototakuya.info/